Creative Guidance for Conscious Brands



As an ecologist and maker, I care deeply about the impact of my work on our planet and its inhabitants. To me, having a conscious business means always striving to identify solutions for positive change. That means thinking beyond sustainability and moving towards ways of production that actively repair the harm done to our planet—the plastic waste polluting our oceans, the overharvesting of endangered species, the exploitation of farming communities. There are so many challenges ahead and so much work to be done.

That is why I’m passionate about helping conscious brands in the beauty and wellness space to holistically integrate sustainable and ethical practices wherever possible—because the world doesn’t need more products. It needs better ones.


Find Your Voice. Change The World.

The biggest mistake I see conscious brands making is being entirely unconscious with their storytelling. I see marketing copy rich with eco buzzwords and poor in examples of real impact. This oversight comes at the cost of losing customer interest and loyalty because when you don’t connect your brand ethos with your message, you won’t authentically connect with your customers.

Strategic heart-centered storytelling is my bread and butter. I’ve worked with clients from major A1 research institutions to micro-brands to communicate mission and impact with soulfulness and integrity.

Work with me to sharpen your communications strategy so your message is received by your ideal audience at every touchpoint, from screen to paper—and see how far your brand can go through the power of thoughtful storytelling.


Create For Good.

The number of consumers who consider the environmental impact of their purchase has risen to an inspiring 83%. Now more than ever, consumers want the certainty of knowing that their money isn’t helping to prop up exploitative and destructive systems. Not only is that the right attitude to take, but it’s also a vital one if we ever hope to get a handle on climate change.

My specialty is in helping small businesses with low MOQs requirements make better choices with their materials. Through my work founding Carta Fragrances and the Coalition of Sustainable Perfumery, I have conducted extensive research over the years to find natural and synthetic fragrance manufacturers who ensure responsible, ethical, sustainable, and transparent practices. Together, we can reformulate your existing product or create a new one from scratch. I can also advise on your packaging design and decisions, whether you want to have a low carbon footprint or go fully biodegradable. I love tailoring creative solutions and strategies that align with purpose so you can feel really good about what you’re putting out into the world.

It’s true that there is nothing stopping you from doing all this research on your own. But when you take advantage of my experience and expertise, you’ll have an informed partner by your side helping you every step of the way.

Let’s achieve your brand’s sustainability goals together. Each consulting package is customized to your needs and priorities, request a complimentary discovery call with me to learn more.